Monday, March 3, 2008

Contest Canceled!!

Hey everyone, I canceled because a lot of people took it more than once and didn't follow the rules so the contest is canceled. I will have another one.


Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: Thanks for getting me 100,00 coins pochoma, i spent alot of it already.

Speek said...

oops is this my falt becuase i did do it for Speek Joycin123 and Speek to ME sorry.

Pochoma123 said...

It wasn't only you, A lot of people didn't use thier REAL penguin name. It was a mess.

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: What do you mean?

Speek said...

wow no kidding i saw Mohd, Fever and Mimo 777's name on there it sounds disatoursous

Pochoma123 said...

Yeah. Sorry it didn't work out.

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

its ok i only took it onece though