Friday, March 7, 2008

New Catalog!

Hey everyone! If I say myself, this is my favorite catalog yet! It has a leprechan jacket, pot of gold, Chocolate bunny outfit, and a lot of past rare items!!! They have the red and blue sunglasses, the brown pilgram hat, and the brown slip-on-shoes! The JOB OF THE MONTH is a coffee shop worker! The hidden items are the green snorkal mask in the same place as last month, and the red and blue viking helmet on the mermaid outfit!!!


Liquid Chrome Productions said...

cool your awsome pochoma123

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: The new catolage is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also very sorry that you where hacked again and my opinion to this is that i HATE HACKERS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: for you to know, your penguin is bald.