Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Newspaper!

Hey everyone!!! The paper came out today and said that the a lot of stuff is happening! They gave a sneak peek of the new game and i think it is a fill in the blanks game! You know those ones where you pick a noun and put it in and it makes the story funny! Also, the Space Adventure play is coming back. The St. Patrick's Day Party will start March 14 and it will go through March 18!!!


Liquid Chrome Productions said...

thats sorta of lame that thre bringback that play already the must be out of ideas

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

cool baner and music

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: That sound AWESOME!!!!!!

Pochoma123 said...

Thanks! Yeah, they must be out of ideas for plays.

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

your the coolest penguin

p.s i am making a top sekret site pm me to here more

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: Sounds cool, is it just you 2

Anonymous said...

Check your email, i sant the name and password!