Monday, March 17, 2008

New Yearbook!

Hey everyone! If you hadn't noticed already, there is a new yearbook! It is for 05-06! It is cool because there are old pins(that you can't pick up) Hidden in there! And for the last one page, the pin is hidden on the top lightbulb!


Liquid Chrome Productions said...

i did not notice that thats cool by the way happy s.t patrics day

Connor DeBlieck said...

How do you get the CP music in your blog?

Connor DeBlieck said...

how do you get page elements on both sides?

Connor DeBlieck said...

I have been trying to get Cheesecumber as my buddy but i lost to him. Also i have been racing other penguins and i am way ahead of them and then they dissapear behind me then reapear right in front of me . Pochoma i justed wanted to ask you if they are cheating. Because i don't hit any obstacles. and then they dissapear then reapear in front of me a win and to me that is not far.