Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pochoma TV!

Ok! I've decided to make a place for Pochoma123 TV episode 3! How about on Frozen(and if thats not open Fjord), March 15, 3:30pmPST, Nightclub! This will be a St. Patrick's Day episode so be dressed up as your best leprechan! Cya then!

P.S. This is the Pochoma Party.


Speek said...

see ya there!

Joanna7777 said...

pochoma make it at 9:00PST.Or I will can't come.

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: i am so mad that on april 4 that all penguins will be deleted.

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

what do you mean all penguins will be deleted. pochoma i cant wait it will be alot of fun.

p.s i have never ben banned i cant believe your banned again whats going on

Anonymous said...

Lacario1995: i re-read the text it is only for the test penguins.

p.s pochoma was hacked again, that is why he is banned

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

well ofcoarce pochoma did not do some thing to be banned.i knew it was hackers i was just wondering who would do such a thing. pochoma123 is my best freind