Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Club Penguin In Great Britain

Hey everyone! Cp annonced that they opened a site in Great Britain! It sounds reall cool but I live in the U.S. so it doesn't really matter to me! But If you do live in Britain and you know where ZSL London Zoo is and your not doing any thing on May 3rd 11am-4pm, you could get a chace to see the CP creators! Here is the invite from CP.

When: May 3, 11 a.m - 4 p.m.
Where: ZSL London Zoo
Who: Everyone is invited
What: Free access to the zoo, a chance to feed real penguins, and lots of activities (I heard there might even be a 'best penguin costume' contest)

If any of you live in GB, and you could go, tell me how it was!


1 comment:

clubpenguinclubhouse said...

i live in G.B but not in london