Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Igloo Contest!

Hey everyone! Club Penguin is having an Igloo Contest! It is going to be a Medieval theme so when the Igloo furniture comes out on May 23, you might want to get a lot of coins!

For the contest, if you want to send me a picture of your igloo at pochoma123@gmail.com, I'LL POST IT ON THIS SITE! I will make a igloo page so you can see all the igloos sent in! Then i will make a poll for the best one! And the winner will get a prize! Good luck!

Don't know how to take pictures? Here is how...

1.Go to the place you want to take the picture.

2. The push the "prnt scrn" Button, heres a picture:

3. Go to paint, by going to "Start", "All Programs,"Accesorries", then Paint

4. Push "Ctrl V" Then picture will appear.

5.Do "File, Save As" and save it.

You have now copied your igloo!

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