Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hey everyone! I have been thinking and I am in the process of making a wordpress blog! So far I have most of it done, but i have more to do. Check it out at:!

I'll put it on the blogroll so you can check it out! Comment or vote on the poll if you like it or not!


Anonymous said...

ohhhh. did u get that idea from me? look at my site, i might bw changin to wordpress too.

Speek said...

hey will i still be part of ur blog?

Anonymous said...

Iheard you get banned easier on Wordpress. i know Mike92 does.

Connor DeBlieck said...

why change it to wordpress

Pochoma123 said...

Thats the thing. I won't get banned but if i do, I have this one that people can still look at. An Lacario, I think it is more advanced than blogger and I like more advanced things.

Connor DeBlieck said...

how do you change it because i got the feeling to change it to wordpress too, beacause wordpress makes your blog or whatever they call it on wordpress look ten times coler than on blogger

Speek said...


Will i still be part of ur blog. Meaning partner wise?

Like for Parties and stuff?

Dalek ad said...

Cool that you are having an wordpress site!
I am having an party this sunday!
Server-Aurora Canadian
Room-Starting at cove
Time-12:00am CPZT
Date-8th June
Hope you can come! Its my 5000 hits party and im hopping it will be enormous! More info at my site!
Dalek Ad

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

hmmmm. im doing rounds on my blogroll...

i used to be on your blogroll, now im not... i wonder why i got deleted...

anyway, thats why im doing the blogrool rounds...

good luck ;-)

Anonymous said...

yo pochoma! its ur sis! so i decided 2 get on ur blog! U HAV A LOT OF HITS!!!!! Soccergirl45